Starfish #13

Starfish #13
Red Brittle Starfish


Safety Procedures for Sea Salt:
1. The use of sea salt will used in accordance with the MSDS.
2. Using sea salt will be done with gloves, aprons, and goggles.
3. A fire blanket, fume hood fire extinguisher, shower and eyewash station are available for use.
4. According to the MSDS excess salt will rinsed down the sink with 10 fold excess water.
5. After using sea salt, hands will be washed with soap and water.

Safety Protocol for pH Buffer Calcium Carbonate:
1. The use of Calcium carbonate will be used in accordance with the MSDS.
2. Using calcium carbonate will be done with gloves, aprons, and goggles.
3. A fire blanket, fume hood fire extinguisher, shower and eyewash station are available for use.
4. According to the Flinn catelogue, excess calcium carbonate will wrapped in newspaper, placed in a cardboard box, and disposed of in a landfill.
5. After using calcium carbonate, hands will be washed with soap and water.
Electrical Power Safety:
1. Limit the use of high power devices around water.
2. Never use frayed or cut wires when plugging in a device.
3. Never overload the outlet and use a surge protector.
4. All electrical devices should have an emergency cut off switch or ‘kill’ switch’.
5. Shut off and unplug all devices when not in use or when you leave the room unattended.
Sharp Object Safety:
1. Use caution when using a sharp object.
2. Restrict the use of "sharps" to a minimum.
3. Do not use bent or broken needles, knifes, or razor blades.
4. Cover or cap needle after every use.
5. Discard used syringes, needles, or scalpels into an approved sharps container.
6. Bring all needles in a sharps container to a local fire station for disposal.

Tank Set Up:
1. Obtain 4 ten-gallon tanks.
2. Fill each tank with tap water and let sit for one week to allow the chlorine to evaporate.
3. Add 1 inch of gravel to the bottom of each tank.
4. Place a water filter on each tank and check that the spinner does not clog or stop on a daily basis.
5. Add two shrimp to the tank to help the nitrogen cycle.
6. Check the pre-filter and clean it once a week.
7. Change and remove the carbon filter every month.
8. Every month change 10% of the water with clean fresh DO water.
9. Check the pH, salt level, and temperature every week with the Hanna pH EC/TDS HI98130 probe.

* a. Press and hold the mode button to turn on.
* b. Select the item to be tested with the set/hold button.
* c. Submerge the probe into the tank to be tested.
* d. When the stability clock disappears the measurement can be taken.
* e. Be sure to calibrate the probe before each test.
* f. Turn off the probe when done testing

Adjusting the Tanks:
1. Identify the water level to be about 2-3 cm below the black plastic lip of the tank.
2. Add reversed Osmosis water to replace evaporated water.
3. To adjust the pH small amounts of vinegar will be used to adjust for acidic environment and small amounts of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) will be used to create a basic environment. (pH-up and pH down can also be used.)
4. In the event that salinity levels change more water will be used to dilute the levels and more marine salt will be added to increase salinity.

Inserting Living Organisms:
Place the container or bag in which organisms came in into the tank for 15 to 30 minutes. During this time they can be acclimated to the water temperature.
2. Add half of the tank water to the bag and reinsert the bag into the tank for another 15 to 30 minutes.
3. Release the organism and water into the tank.
4. Do not feed the organism for a day allowing it to get used to the environment.

Design/ Methods:
1. Take out gravel and living rock out of one of the four tanks.
2. Add cut sponge, sand, small gravel, and large gravel to the emptied tank, each substrate having a forth of the tank.
3. Make sure water conditions are correct in all four of the tanks.
4. Add Brittle Starfish to the three tanks with just the gravel and living rocks.
5. Transfer some Brittle Starfish to the experimental tank (the one with the different substrates).
6. Observe and record which substrate contains the Brittle Starfish after 24 hours.
7. Take the Brittle Starfish out of the experimental tank and return them to their original tanks.
8. Transfer different starfish than before to the experimental tank.
9. After recording where they are, place them back into their original tanks.
10. Repeat the process of adding different starfish to the experimental tank, recording observations, and putting them back into the original tanks as many times as time allows over a 30 day period.